…”EO Alchemy’s mission is to engage leading entrepreneurs to learn and grow while maximizing the entrepreneurial lifestyle.”…
…”Some define it as triple bottom line business (people, planet, profit) others call sustainable economics, and still others call it social capitalism. At The Hub LA, we call it going to work.”…
…”Hub SoMa has officially launched, and Bay Area social entrepreneurs are poised to benefit from their prime location and simply gorgeous workspace.”…
…”EO Alchemy’s mission is to engage leading entrepreneurs to learn and grow while maximizing the entrepreneurial lifestyle.”…
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The Hub LA offers a space for social innovators to work, meet, connect, and inspire. It is a place-based and online community of entrepreneurs, freelance professionals, artists, funders, students, mentors, community leaders… amazing people, doing incredible
things. The physical spaces borrow the best of a member’s club, business incubator, idea lab, and the comforts of home to create a different kind of space. A habitat for innovators.
The Hub is currently located in Amsterdam, the Bay Area, Berlin, Bombay, Bristol, Brussels, Cairo, Halifax, Johannesburg, London, Madrid, Milan, Porto, Riga, Rotterdam, Sao Paolo, Stockholm, Tel Aviv, Toronto and now, coming to in Los Angeles!
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