Writing Pad LA Storytelling Series Kicks off Hub LA Holidays


You wouldn’t think that a squid sailing to the sun, a play-doh golem, and an 11-year old’s discovery of AOL Instant Messenger chat rooms have much to do with each other. Any of the 175 guests at Writing Pad LA’s holiday storytelling party at Hub LA, however, could tell you otherwise.

The Los Angeles writing school’s party featured live readings and performances from Ben Loory (“This American Life” contributor), DC Pierson (Community, Weeds), Issa Rae (Awkward Black Girl), Taffy Brodesser-Akner (New York Times contributor), and Nia Vardalos (My Big Fat Greek Wedding). Guests gathered to listen to this awesome lineup in Hub LA’s main space, which was filled to standing room only. Luckily (or perhaps unluckily), “standing room” for some meant standing under Ernest Hemingway themed mistletoe.

Literary matchmaking decor from the party.

We heard stories ranging from the fantastical to the all-too-real. In addition to wonderful fiction readings from Loory and Brodesser-Akner, Stand-up comedian D.C. Pierson wistfully ventured back to the days of drama club field trips and first kisses. Issa Rae recalled the early days of AOL Instant Messenger chat rooms and lingo. Nia Vardalos reminded us that celebrities are actually just like us in a reading of her recent memoir, Instant Mom. She divulged tidbits like her distaste for restaurants near nail salons and her obsession with tupperware.

Nia Vardalos read a selection from her recent memoir, Instant Mom.

Writing Pad LA is a local writing school that began nine years ago in Silverlake and has since expanded to three - soon to be four - locations in Los Angeles. They offer over 30 different classes for almost any kind of writing you can think of: creative nonfiction, fiction, social media, storytelling and more. Boasting an impressive faculty, Writing Pad LA offers intimate classes as well as other opportunities to learn LA’s diverse writing and storytelling community.

Writing Pad has previously hosted “Latin and Literary” at Hub LA. At the event, held in the Hub LA Media Lab classroom, local Latino and Latina writers, including Evangeline Ordaz (writer, East Los High), spoke of their experiences getting published and making it in the entertainment industry.

Jeff Bernstein, co-founder of Writing Pad LA, shared with us why Writing Pad chose Hub LA to host their events. “It’s near Writing Pad East. It’s cool as hell. The space is huge and fantastic,” he wrote us in an email after the holiday party. “ All the sparkling water you can drink. What’s not to like?”

With such an awesome finale to 2013, we’re excited to launch the new year with plenty more events and opportunities for the Hub LA community to engage with cultural leaders and innovators. Look forward more Writing Pad LA events at the Hub LA in 2014. They’re currently planning a “Fabulous Fiction” panel, a “Date with Cindy Chupak” event, and an evening with the Executive Producer of Modern Family.

The holiday party’s talent posed with Writing Pad and Hub LA staff.

To see more photos from the Writing Pad LA Holiday Party, check out our Facebook album.

Perks of being a member: As is the case with many of the events that roll through our space, Hub LA members attended this event at no cost. With that kind of benefit, membership practically pays for itself. Writing Pad has also generously offered Hub LA members discounts to their classes! Join Hub LA to have access to all of our events and programming as well as discounts to our partner programs.

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December 11th, 2013

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